Welcome to my Lighting Technology Virtual Display Shelf.

Over the past couple of years I have started to accumulate a collection of lighting technology covering most types of technology.  I do not have the resources to actually set up a physical display of all this equipment, but I have to set up a virtual one.  This is spread over the following pages for all who are interested to see.

The sections below are fairly self explanatory, each one containing my examples of each type of lamp technology.  The number and date in brackets after the title indicates the total number of items in that category, and the last date on which something was added to that category.

Compact Fluorescent (37 - 12/Jul/2012)

Electrodeless Induction Lighting (2 - 06/Jul/2012)
Incandescent (27 - 08/Mar/2012)

LED (4 - 16/Sep/2010)

Linear Fluorescent (3 - 28/Aug/2010)
Mercury Vapour (3 - 22/Apr/2006)

Metal Halide (6 - 24/Jan/2007)

Others (2 -09/Aug/2009)

Sodium Vapour (5 - 18/Nov/2005)
Colour Rendering Tests of Lamps in the Collection Colour Rendering Tests of Lamps in the Collection
Spectrographic Plots of Lamps in the Collection Spectrographic Plots of Lamps in the Collection
Historical or Interesting Street Lighting Historical or Interesting Street Lighting


This page last updated:

20th June 2023: Updated category listing to read alphabetically - it was previously just in the order the sections were originally added...21 years ago...

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